Common Questions for ERP Integrations
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- 2 de mar. de 2023
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Select Your Supported ERP:
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Sage 300 CRE®
Sage 100 Contractor®
QuickBooks® Desktop
Viewpoint® Spectrum®
Viewpoint® Vista™
Issue | Description |
How to unlink a Commitment synced with Sage 300 CRE® | If you need to unlink and retrieve/make a correction to a Commitment after it has been synced between Procore and Sage 300 CRE® |
How to delete a Commitment synced with Sage 300 CRE® | If you want a PO or Subcontract deleted from Procore after it’s been synced with Sage 300 CRE® |
How to unlink a CCO synced with Sage 300 CRE® | If you need to unlink and retrieve/make a correction to a CCO after it has been synced between Procore and Sage 300 CRE® |
How to delete a CCO synced with Sage 300 CRE® | If you want a CCO deleted from Procore after it has been synced with Sage 300 CRE® |
How to unlink a PCCO synced with ERP | If you need to unlink and retrieve/make a correction to a PCCO after it has been synced between Procore and Sage 300 CRE® |
How to unlink a Subcontractor Invoice synced with ERP | If you need to unlink and retrieve/make a correction to a Subcontractor Invoice that is synced between Procore and Sage 300 CRE® |
How to unlink a vendor synced with Sage 300 CRE® | If you need to unlink a synced vendor from Procore ERP Integrations Tab |
Can I merge an existing Sage 300 CRE® project with a Procore project? | If you want to know how the integration works with un-synced jobs that exist in both Procore and Sage 300 CRE® |
Why are there duplicate company records in Procore’s Company Directory | If two of the same company in your Procore directory exist and you want to know how to merge these into one synced vendor |
How to add new cost codes or cost types to Procore | If you need to add a new cost code or cost type to Procore |
How to resolve 'Import operation took longer than the set timeout' error | If you are receiving the error 'Import operation took longer than the set timeout'. |
Issue | Description |
How to unlink a Commitment synced with Sage 100 Contractor® | If you need to unlink and retrieve/make a correction to a Commitment after it has been synced between Procore and Sage 100 Contractor® |
How to delete a Commitment synced with Sage 100 Contractor® | If you want a PO or Subcontract deleted from Procore after it’s been synced with Sage 100 Contractor® |
How to unlink a CCO synced with Sage 100 Contractor® | If you need to unlink and retrieve/make a correction to a CCO after it has been synced between Procore and Sage 100 Contractor® |
How to unlink a Subcontractor Invoice synced with ERP | If you need to unlink and retrieve/make a correction to a Subcontractor Invoice that is synced between Procore and Sage 100 Contractor® |
How to unlink a vendor synced with Sage 100 Contractor® | If you need to unlink a synced vendor from Procore ERP Integrations Tab |
Why are there duplicate company records in Procore’s Company Directory | If two of the same company in your Procore directory exist and you want to know how to merge these into one synced vendor |
Why is the Send to ERP button dimmed and not available? | If the Send to ERP button is dimmed and not available |
Issue | Description |
How to unlink a Commitment synced with QuickBooks® Desktop | If you need to unlink and retrieve/make a correction to a Commitment after it has been synced between Procore and QuickBooks® Desktop |
How to delete a Commitment synced with QuickBooks® Desktop | If you want a PO or Subcontract deleted from Procore after it’s been synced with QuickBooks® Desktop |
How to unlink a CCO synced with QuickBooks® Desktop | If you need to unlink and retrieve/make a correction to a CCO after it has been synced between Procore and QuickBooks® Desktop |
How to unlink a Subcontractor Invoice synced with ERP | If you need to unlink and retrieve/make a correction to a Subcontractor Invoice that is synced between Procore and QuickBooks® Desktop |
How to unlink a vendor synced with QuickBooks® Desktop | If you need to unlink a synced vendor from Procore ERP Integrations Tab |
Why are there duplicate company records in Procore’s Company Directory | If two of the same company in your Procore directory exist and you want to know how to merge these into one synced vendor |
How to add new cost codes to Procore and sync to QuickBooks® Desktop | If you need to add a new cost code to Procore and export them with QuickBooks® Desktop |
Why is the Send to ERP button dimmed and not available? | If the Send to ERP button is dimmed and not available |
How Do I Resolve the "This export cannot be completed because the number of line items in QuickBooks does not match up with the number in Procore." Error when Exporting to ERP | If a CCO fails to export to QuickBooks® Desktop |
Frequently Asked Questions | A list of frequently asked questions including workflow and troubleshooting topics |
Issue | Description |
How to unlink a Commitment synced with Viewpoint® Spectrum® | If you need to unlink and retrieve/make a correction to a Commitment after it has been synced between Procore and Viewpoint® Spectrum® |
How to delete a Commitment synced with Viewpoint® Spectrum® | If you want a PO or Subcontract deleted from Procore after it’s been synced with Viewpoint® Spectrum® |
How to unlink a CCO synced with Viewpoint® Spectrum® | If you need to unlink and retrieve/make a correction to a CCO after it has been synced between Procore and Viewpoint® Spectrum® |
How to unlink a PCCO synced with Viewpoint® Spectrum® | If you need to unlink and retrieve/make a correction to a PCCO after it has been synced between Procore and Viewpoint® Spectrum® |
How to unlink a vendor synced with Viewpoint® Spectrum® | If you need to unlink a synced vendor from Procore ERP Integrations Tab |
How to add new cost codes to Procore and Sync to Viewpoint® Spectrum® | If you need to add a new cost code to Procore and export them with Viewpoint® Spectrum® |
Why is the Send to ERP button dimmed and not available? | If the Send to ERP button is dimmed and not available |
Issue | Description |
How to unlink a Commitment synced with Viewpoint® Vista™ | If you need to unlink and retrieve/make a correction to a Commitment after it has been synced between Procore and Viewpoint® Vista™ |
How to delete a Commitment synced with Viewpoint® Vista™ | If you want a PO or Subcontract deleted from Procore after it’s been synced with Viewpoint® Vista™ |
How to unlink a CCO synced with Viewpoint® Vista™ | If you need to unlink and retrieve/make a correction to a CCO after it has been synced between Procore and Viewpoint® Vista™ |
How to unlink a PCCO synced with Viewpoint® Vista™ | If you need to unlink and retrieve/make a correction to a PCCO after it has been synced between Procore and Viewpoint® Vista™ |
How to unlink a Subcontractor Invoice synced with ERP | If you need to unlink and retrieve/make a correction to a Subcontractor Invoice that is synced between Procore and Viewpoint® Vista™ |
How to unlink a vendor synced with Viewpoint® Vista™ | If you need to unlink a synced vendor from Procore ERP Integrations Tab |
How to add new cost codes to Procore and Sync to Viewpoint® Vista™ | If you need to add a new cost code to Procore and export them with Viewpoint® Vista™ |
Why is the Send to ERP button dimmed and not available? | If the Send to ERP button is dimmed and not available |
Why are there duplicate company records in Procore’s Company Directory | If two of the same company in your Procore directory exist and you want to know how to merge these into one synced vendor |